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News for 13-Mar-25

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Source: MedicineNet Prevention and Wellness General
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Source: MedicineNet Senior Health General
1 in 4 Seniors Doesn't Discuss End-of-Life Care

Source: MedicineNet Prevention and Wellness General
Foods Might Serve Up High Levels of Chemicals Found in Plastics

Source: MedicineNet Prevention and Wellness General
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Welcome to shopping, Central, we are so excited to bring to you this new site that we have created
Knowing you're getting value for money is very important in buying shopping,, so by coming to this web site you can rest with the sound knowledge that you are getting the shopping, you paid for
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There are many people promoting shopping, and some are not as forthright as they should be
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There are lots of places on the internet where you can buy shopping, but how can you be sure that when you purchase shopping, you are shopping in safety and that you will actually receive your purchase
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The real determining factor in buying shopping, is the total cost
When you decide to purchase shopping, online check out their returns policy
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Internet shopping enables us to access many shopping, stores and view their offerings from the comfort of our own home
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Your search for shopping, is over
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The Internet has been touted as a global forum covering thousands of topics including shopping,
Knowing you're getting value for money is very important in buying shopping,, so by coming to this web site you can rest with the sound knowledge that you are getting the shopping, you paid for
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When you're seeking information about shopping, the results can seem extremely overwhelming
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We would never claim to be world authorities on shopping, but our passion and interest in this area has encouraged us to source out the best locations for shopping, purchases and products
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If you have not already clicked the links in the middle of this page for more shopping, information we invite you to do so now
There is a great deal of information both in print and on the Internet about cellphone plans and some is good while some is not very good
We regularly check our information on shopping,
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We know shopping, is important to you so we have not listed the above links lightly, we are confident the information you find will be bulls eye stuff in your quest for shopping,, however if the sites do not meet your needs, try s
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There is no doubt you and I have a great interest in shopping, after all that's why you arrived at this web page and it's why I created this shopping, web site
Once you're at the shopping, site it's a simple matter of selecting the exact product or service you want to purchase
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If you're looking for shopping, in the real world, and not on the Internet, how would you go about it
If you want specific information, such as information about shopping, Web directories are the way to go, because they search all the contents of a website
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While the threat from hackers is low for individuals, a more serious threat to personal privacy comes from unscrupulous shopping, companies that operate websites for quick quids
Many websites claim that they use information to personalize your experience on the site
The Internet is fast becoming the dominant medium for business and communication, but it still resembles something of a frontier, because there is little regulation
A reduction in overheads means that shopping, retailers are able to offer substantial discounts for online purchases
As the Internet grows and expands shopping, traders gain more experience in offering products for sale
Our interest and enthusiasm for shopping, has evolved with the Internet
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The time for standing in place is gone and anyone who wants the best in shopping, should understand that
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The Internet is the largest library on earth containing billions and billions of pages of information
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Well maybe she knows something about shopping, and can tell you a bit but, in some cases, her information will probably be incomplete unless she spends a great deal of time on the Internet
Once you're at the shopping, site it's a simple matter of selecting the exact product or service you want to purchase
If you're looking for shopping, in the real world, and not on the Internet, how would you go about it
Buying online is very easy
Our website has been logically and simply structured to enable you to navigate the relevant shopping, links, make direct contact with the relevant shopping, website, purchase from that website and to return for subsequent trading
Few sites can survive from advertising revenue alone
If you've spent any time online looking for shopping,, you've undoubtedly seen advertisements plastered all over the Web
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Over time an Ezine author will produce lots of articles on shopping,
The Internet is a niche market ripe for Ezines on shopping,
The shopping, links on the right side of this page will take you directly to the specific item you need so look around
Many world-class athletes, from all sports, have the ability to get in the right state of mind and when looking for shopping, the state of mind is most important
The Web has evolved into a global electronic publishing medium and increasingly, a medium for conducting electronic commerce in areas such as shopping,
As you are aware the World Wide Web is a collection of electronic documents that are linked together like a spider web
You can find an shopping, chatroom by going to any search engine and searching for - shopping, CHATROOM
shopping, Chatrooms are simply places on the Internet that people who have an interest in shopping, get together and share what they know
For the best available information we suggest you check out the links in the middle of this page for more shopping, information
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The links we have provided are secure
Use a Secure Browser when shopping for shopping,
Shopping online for shopping, offers lots of benefits that you won't find shopping in a shopping, store or catalogue
When you sign the shopping, Guestbook you are sending information over the Internet to the shopping, merchant
Many shopping, websites invite you to sign a Guestbook
You can spend a few hours looking on the Net for information about shopping, or you can take advantage of the research we have done for you
Do You Dare To Ask Jeeves about shopping,
If you are truly interested in the very best in shopping, then be sure you click the link above
The real determining factor in buying shopping, is the total cost
Now, just in the event that the link above did not give you exactly what you wanted as far as shopping, is concerned then we invite you to click one of the links on the right side of this page
Well maybe she knows something about shopping, and can tell you a bit but, in some cases, her information will probably be incomplete unless she spends a great deal of time on the Internet
Everyone agrees that if a site doesn't rank in the top 10 or 20 when doing a shopping, search you may not see it
If you are finding it difficult to get the information you want on shopping,, it may be because the webmaster who has written the page did not use an appropriate meta tag
Indexing is a complicated procedure with weightings depending on HTML constructs, the number of times shopping, is in the page and many other factors
Indexing is simply the work the Search Engine Robots do to give you information on shopping,
If you are truly interested in the very best in shopping, then be sure you click the link above
The time for standing in place is gone and anyone who wants the best in shopping, should understand that
For the best available information we suggest you check out the links in the middle of this page for more shopping, information
Many people will search for high quality shopping, for many hours and come away frustrated
A reduction in overheads means that shopping, retailers are able to offer substantial discounts for online purchases
As the Internet grows and expands shopping, traders gain more experience in offering products for sale
Our interest and enthusiasm for shopping, has evolved with the Internet
How do we know these are the best shopping, websites available on the net today
When you're shopping for shopping, you've come to the right place
By buying through our recommend links you can also rest assured your shopping, will be of the highest quality
When you're looking for a high quality shopping, site you know you can rely on, we recommend the above web site
When you're looking for information on buying shopping, it can all seem very overwhelming
The shopping, links on the right side of this page will take you directly to the specific item you need so look around
Many world-class athletes, from all sports, have the ability to get in the right state of mind and when looking for shopping, the state of mind is most important
If you follow one of the above shopping, hyperlinks, or take a look at the website that might have popped up when you entered my, not yet so fantastic site, you'll see what I mean
I'm sitting here inside my house thinking about t-mobile
We have fully appraised the shopping, vendor listed above and have confidence that their products and services will meet your requirements
We want to encourage you to fully explore the links below when shopping for prepaid t-mobile
The Internet is fast becoming the dominant medium for business and communication, but it still resembles something of a frontier, because there is little regulation
Anyone with a computer and modem can become an electronic publisher of shopping, on the Internet, disseminating information to a global audience
The Internet abounds with all sorts of information on shopping,, but unless you can be reasonably sure of its source and accuracy, be wary
Rarely is shopping, information completely neutral; usually there's a point of view, maybe even a hidden agenda
The links will take you to web sites we judge have been created by experts in the field of shopping,, and that will become obvious to you also as soon as you arrive at the sites
If you have struggled to find the wealth of information you need about shopping,, then breath a sigh of relief because you have arrived at a web site that contains an abundance of shopping, information
The real determining factor in buying shopping, is the total cost
shopping, information exists in a large variety of formats and genres (facts, opinions, shopping, stories, interpretations and so on)
Welcome to the Internet
Think about the magazine section in your local supermarket
Corporate news or equity market information on shopping, companies will be found at websites of brokers or share traders
Search engines now do a lot more than just returning a list of hyperlinks relating to shopping,
The pages the links lead to are shopping, related and remember if you still do not find appropriate information, be sure to visit Yahoo and perform a search for shopping,
We will bet you have felt lost in your search for shopping, information, after all the net can seem like a labyrinth of misinformation about shopping,
How do we know they're the best shopping, sites for you to visit
The shopping, links on the right side of this page will take you directly to the specific item you need so look around
The links will take you to web sites we judge have been created by experts in the field of shopping,, and that will become obvious to you also as soon as you arrive at the sites
We consider ourselves experts in the field of shopping,, we have a great interest in the subject and have dedicated a great amount of our own time sourcing good solid shopping, information
If you have struggled to find the wealth of information you need about shopping,, then breath a sigh of relief because you have arrived at a web site that contains an abundance of shopping, information
shopping, web sites come in all shapes and sizes
We make shopping, searching and shopping easier
Well it would be nice if you could choose the exact shopping, to fit your needs would it not
Internet shopping for shopping, is steadily booming (forgive the pun) and this means high competition between sites selling and marketing shopping, products
Thousands of shopping, e-stores now thrive on the Web, providing people with a way to purchase goods and services electronically
First of all, how do potential customers sort out the value of a shopping, website
After probing through thousands of shopping, websites on the net we have come up with a couple of sites that we believe are the finest shopping, sites around, all you have to do is click on one of the links above to find out more!
shopping, - Its such a common topic these days, and why
Finding shopping, information from your home PC has never been easier and that's why we would like to share with you all the shopping, information that we have come up with so far
If you are truly interested in the very best in shopping, then be sure you click the link above
Research data about shopping, is often cited by general-interest publications like USA Today and network newscasts
One of the best things about the internet is the huge amount of information available on almost any subject, like cell laptop modem phone
The following link will take you to a great shopping, supplier who can help you with exactly what you need
Once you're at the shopping, site it's a simple matter of selecting the exact product or service you want to purchase
If you're looking for shopping, in the real world, and not on the Internet, how would you go about it
Are you aware that many online stores offer weekly specials
Shop with shopping, businesses that have good credentials and recommendations (we have listed our recommendation below)

Achieving Optimum Health

 by: Tim Ong

"Optimum health is not just the absence of disease but the presence of wellness in mental, emotional, physical, spiritual and social areas. Some would also include financial health."


Optimum health is essential at all levels, from the individual to the society we live in to the environment around us. We have to start thinking of wealth not just in terms of possession of money and properties but also the possession of mental, emotional, physical, social and spiritual well-being.

Mental Health

The truth is mind is the forerunner of all states.

With a proper mindset, a poor man can still be happy. Conversely, if the mindset is not right, no matter how much material possessions you may have, you may still be a very unhappy person. Thus, Gandhi said, "The world has enough for everyone's needs, but not enough for even a single person's greed."

So a healthy mind is one that possesses a mindset that can lead to happiness and contentment with self and the world around us. It provides clarity of thoughts, good insight and the ability to see things through an unbiased mind.

To be able to see things through an unbiased mind is no small feat. It is extremely difficult to note or observe the unfolding of events and phenomena without judging. We habitually associate emotions or feelings to events, and allow such emotions to direct our actions. Our likes for certain things and dislikes for others are closely associated with our emotions.

Emotional Health

It is our emotions that lead us to act impulsively at times. Thus a high level of self-awareness in this area is extremely useful. In fact, it is essential to our well-being. After all, things and relationships that may take us years to build can be destroyed in a moment of anger.

There are positive and negative emotions. Positive emotions such as love, compassion and joy should be cultivated, while negative emotions such as fear, anger and hate need to be eradicated.

When asked about this, a wise sage of India once illustrated with a story:

An old man said to his grandson, "Boy, I have two tigers caged within me. One is love and compassion. The other is fear and anger."

The young boy asked, "Which one will win, grandfather?"

The old man replied, "The one I feed."

At times, it may seem that we have no control over our emotions. This is not true. The truth is how well we manage our emotions depends on how aware we are of our emotions, particularly on the arising of our emotions. The earlier we are able to note the arising of our emotions, we better we can manage them.

More and more researches are showing that our well-being is closely linked to our emotional and mental health. Our body's immune system is generally enhanced by positive mental outlook and emotion. Conversely, it is depressed by negative mental and emotional states. Thus, stress, worry, anger and fear are some states that may lead to physical illnesses such as hypertension, cardiac diseases, peptic ulcers, depression and a host of other ailments.

Physical Health

To maintain an optimum physical well-being, therefore, requires us to focus not only on our body but also our mind and emotions.

On a physical level, our body can be kept healthy through adequate sleep and rest, proper nutrition, regular exercises and a healthy environment that is free from pollution.

Spiritual Health

Throughout the ages, wise men have consistently informed and taught us that we are essentially spiritual beings.

Although medical science has not been able to reveal to us our spiritual nature, there are many indirect evidence that we would be foolish to ignore. Stories from people who had gone through a near death experience (NDE), or dying people with heightened nearing death awareness, or simply a cure from an 'incurable' disease all suggest that there is more to life than just the physical state.

Major religions of the world all based their teachings on the belief that we are essentially spiritual beings. According to these teachings, our physical existence is secondary.

While it may be true that we should focus our life more on our spiritual nature than our physical nature, it would be difficult for the majority of people to do so, at least not immediately. Things cannot change overnight. Mindset, however, can, and that is perhaps the best place to start.

Financial Health

However, on a more mundane level, most people are still stuck on how to survive from day to day, where to get the next cheque to pay for the house installment, so on and so forth.

Practically, therefore, we need to look into ways to achieve a financial state that would theoretically free us from the constrain of 'forced' work. This is where the concept of financial freedom is so attractive. According to this concept, one should strive for a state where we have one or more than one source of income that can be generated passively, that is, even when we don't work.

This is what Robert Kiyosaki termed as 'passive income'.

According to him, passive income can only be achieved by becoming an investor or a business owner, not a sole proprietor or an employee. To become an investor or a business owner, you must spend the time and money to acquire financial intelligence. Unlike IQ or EQ, you can acquire financial intelligence through self education.

To get a financial health check-up, consult an accountant, a banker or a financial planner you can trust.

Healthy Relationship

"No man is an island, entire by itself."

As a medical doctor, I am in a unique position to confront and comfort dying patients. One of the most important thing that I have observed is that dying people do not ask about their money or possessions. Instead, they focus their remaining energy and strength on trying to heal wounded relationships. It is as though there is an inherent need to get a proper closure to a relationship.

Thus, forming and cultivating a healthy relationship is important for our well-being. Unfortunately, this is something we often ignored until it is too late. If there is any forgiving to be done, or the need to be forgiven, leaving things to the last minutes may end up with an unfulfilled desire for a closure.

Knowing this now, shouldn't we spend more time and effort in improving our relationship with our loved ones, especially with our parents, spouse, children and siblings?

About The Author

Tim Ong is a medical doctor and author of the online "Build From Within" newsletter series. He is also the webmaster of The Self Improvement Site (, Klinik Ong ( and Caring For The Terminally Ill ( You may sign up for his free newsletter at

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